Tuesday, September 11, 2007 

The Holographic Virtual Sales Presentation - Communication Comes of Age

One obvious application and tool of Holographic Projection Technologies, Virtual Reality and Spectral Imaging will be in sales presentations. There are many innovative companies working with these technologies now and have made them available to the large companies. This saves travel expense, schedules and decreases sales and pre-sales sales process time, as demos can replace the actual sales person.

IBM believes that these technologies will be common place within a decade and are hot on the trail to insuring that Big Blue is there to cash in on the rewards as the market expands. So, we should expect these sales tools at the corporate levels, but what about the consumer level?

Ebay 3D Holographic Projection Tool

Joe, 20, an advanced user of Mobile 3G Wireless Cell Phone Technologies suggest a USB port Holographic Projector thumb drive or miniature projection device which would display any product on a B2C or B2B (Business-to-Consumer or Business-to-Business) e-Commerce website. Obvious users might be E-Bay or perhaps Motorola selling their latest 3G + cell phones or even Apple Computer selling their latest iPod Cell Phone. Joe would like 2% royalties on this novel idea and concept if it comes to fruition.

Indeed the applications for this might be endless, a 3D USB projector would be great for everyone from Designers to Aerospace Engineers and no doubt this will one day come to be. The concept of using it to project items that are for sale online would be a novelty at first but consider the benefits for purchasing something using this technology. No more sight unseen or weakly composed digital pictures.

Online Dating is yet another application which is sure to be a hit with folks, as they can see the Spectral Image of the potential dating partner. A CAD/CAM device with special software would take a 2D picture and estimate its 3D image that was downloaded by the online dater and that would then be made available for possible suitors.

The potential applications for spectral imaging and holographic technologies are endless and once they start becoming available it will be incredible a number of entrepreneurs who rushed to market with new and exciting killer applications.

L. Winslow is an Economic Advisor to the Online Think Tank, a Futurist and retired entreprenuer. Currently he is planning a bicycle ride across the US to raise money for charity and is sponsored by http://www.Calling-Plans.com and all the proceeds will go to various charities who sign up.

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